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                Black Walnut 3-layer Board

                1) 18mm black walnut log three-layer board; black walnut log three-layer board uses 3mm thick black walnut A and B side sheets as the surface material, combined with black walnut log laminated wood as the core material, and then supplemented by the vertical and horizontal cross production process, Finally, through the moisture balance: the wood balance health room can realize the functions of heating, cooling, dehumidification, drying, heating, constant temperature and constant humidity. The annual wood equilibrium moisture content is 8%-10%. Balance the dried wood to reduce the moisture content gradient of the wood, so that the undried wood can meet the moisture content requirements. The wood that is too dry can absorb a certain amount of moisture to reach the level of uniform moisture content, which can ensure the moisture content requirements of wood products in the terminal area. It makes the product more stable and not easy to crack and has a wider range of uses.
                2) 22mm black walnut log three-layer board; black walnut log three-layer board uses 3mm thick black walnut A and B side sheets as the surface material, combined with black walnut log activated carbonized structural board as the core material, high temperature heat treatment is mainly by controlling the wood The moisture content of the board improves the durability, environmental protection, stability, moisture resistance of the board, and makes the board color uniform. The nutrient components of Tianma Green Building through high temperature heat treatment technology are destroyed, and it has better anti-corrosion and moisture-proof functions. Because the water absorption function of the board is reorganized, the carbonized wood is not easy to absorb water and is resistant to moisture. In the environment where the external humidity changes greatly, it is not easy to deform and crack. The wood fiber pore height changes the internal stress of the laminated wood, making the wood stronger, and no longer thermal expansion and contraction. Balance: The wood balance health room can realize the functions of heating, cooling, dehumidification, drying, heating, constant temperature and constant humidity. The annual wood equilibrium moisture content is 5%-6%. Balance the dried wood to reduce the moisture content gradient of the wood, so that the undried wood can meet the moisture content requirements. For the wood that is too dry, it can absorb a certain amount of moisture to reach the level of uniform moisture content. It can completely eliminate the residual drying stress that cannot be completely eliminated during the drying process of raw materials, and can ensure the moisture content requirements of wood products in the terminal area. Make the product more stable and not easy to crack, and it has a wider range of uses. Tianma Green Building will not shrink when going north, and not expand when going south. Born for efficiency and stability.
                3) 45mm black walnut log three-layer door panel: black walnut log three-layer board adopts 5mm thick black walnut AA surface sheet as the surface material, combined with the combination of log tenon and mortise frame structure and carbonized glulam. It is supplemented by the production process of horizontal and tight crossing, and finally through the moisture balance: the wood balance health room can realize the functions of heating, cooling, dehumidification, drying, heating, constant temperature and constant humidity. The annual wood equilibrium moisture content is 5%-6%. Balance the dried wood to reduce the moisture content gradient of the wood, so that the undried wood can meet the moisture content requirements. For the wood that is too dry, it can absorb a certain amount of moisture to reach the level of uniform moisture content. It can completely eliminate the residual drying stress that cannot be completely eliminated during the drying process of raw materials, and can ensure the moisture content requirements of wood products in the terminal area. Make the product more stable and not easy to crack, and it has a wider range of uses.